Drinks on the plane


It’s an hour to fly from Toronto to New York. By the time you go up, it’s almost like you have to go down again.

But she was desperate, desperate for a drink. Even before take-off. Which was not allowed on this flight. She was told she’d have to wait. And she didn’t want to wait. Caused a stink about having to wait. Huffing and puffing, sweet features morphed into an off-putting bitch scowl. It was a scene. And she didn’t stop bitching until they put the first jack and coke in front of her once the seatbelt sign had been turned off.

That was followed by two more. Three jack and cokes on the flight.

So, maybe she’s afraid to fly. Maybe it was a terrible day. But with her history, and it wasn’t all that long ago, and the sh-tty influences she has around her, this is probably a concern, non?

September 10, 2014 at 6:08 AM

Update (3/16/15):
